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Autor Thema: How to fix time for US daylight savings
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ID # 83

  Erstellt am 16. März 2007 18:54 (#1)  |  Zitat Zitat   PN PN   E-Mail E-Mail
DST has already started in the US.
The correct timezone on the WD Netcenter is typically controlled by the TZ env variable. You can set that in /opt/etc/profile. To correct for DST etc. it would be best to get a /etc/localtime file from some Linux distribution reflecting the correct timezone you are in. You can generate it yourself from the tz package, see

Put the localtime file in /opt/etc.
Then put the following in /opt/etc/profile:

export TZ=":/opt/etc/localtime"

That's all


Beiträge: 23 | Mitglied seit: Februar 2007 | IP-Adresse: gespeichert

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